Yacht Harbor/Cafeteria area — map and notes about customer selection


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Customer Notes

Yet another "safe" location; every customer will send you forward.

  • Yacht Harbor drop-offs
    Obviously, you'd like to stop right next to Customer 1 if it's present in the drop-off zone. If you're going too fast, use the telephone booth to help you stop, then put your cab in Reverse (or Crazy Backdash) to pick him up. When Customer 1 is not available, drive ahead to get a look at 2 and pick that one up if it's light-green (to KFC) or yellow (to Levi's Store). You'll want to take 3 when yellow (to KFC) and 4 when yellow (to Levi's Store). When 5 appears, it's always red and goes to Pizza Hut.
  • Cafeteria drop-offs
    Ideally, you'll want to pick up 6 and 7 when they are orange to go to FILA and the Levi's Store respectively. You may opt to pick up 6 when you're coming from Yacht Harbor if there isn't a better choice.

Additional Notes...

  • The ramp may seem like a good way to get past congested traffic at this location, but you'll probably wind up getting wall-stuck or hitting another vehicle in the process (most of the time, both).
  • When you're just passing through with a customer, it's possible to run up the Tip Multiplier here by carefully executing a Braking Crazy Drift through the trees. Done correctly, you'll hit the diagonal wall to the right of the ramp without getting wall-stuck, and you may be able to retain your tip value if you drive carefully around the "cafeteria corner."